Joy replied 8 years ago
Your outfits are always a treat and do creative. I am in awe of your skills. As far as preference, I like 2 best, followed by 3, 4, 1. I really love the shapes of the pieces in 2.
For figure flattery I wouls probably rank them 3, 1, 4, 2, but I'm not stopping to really analyze. I will be interested in what others think and learn from them.
Angie replied 8 years ago
HOW FUN. What a treat to see these outfits, Sharan. Thanks for posting.
#1 is my favourite outfit too, and just KILLER on you.
#2 is next favourite. As Killer.
Outfits #3 and #4 slide up the more conventionally flattering scale. And they look great too.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 8 years ago
Joy and Angie, thank you!
Joy, glad to hear you like the shapes in 2! I made the top with the skirt in mind, after Aida's help with my closet edit. She helped me realize I could use some cropped tops to go with some things I was having trouble wearing.
Angie, I'm so flattered by your K ratings. Great to hear they looked as good as they felt.
krishnidoux replied 8 years ago
Yes, your outfits are fun!
I think in terms of flattery, it pretty much follows the same as your order of preference.
If you ask me (another person with a different pair of eyes who doesn't know what it feels like wearing these outfits), it would go like this:
1 3 2 4. I put outfit 3 in second place because there are so many elements I love in it (just a very personal taste): short sleeves jacket/cardi over a fitted long sleeve top, the fact that the topper is white, long&lean silhouette, and the sheer energy, get-up-ans-go overall feel of it.
This said, outfit 2 is so cool in its ample simplicity and unconventional proportions.
Suz replied 8 years ago
I love them all! My fave for you is your fave for you -- it's a gorgeous textural mix, so autumnal, and beautiful on you as well! But I love the others equally and think #2 is just arty-funky sublime. Looks comfy, too, which is always a big attraction to me.
You have fantastic legs, so #3, #4, and #1 show those off and that makes them winners in the figure flattery department. 3 and 4 are of course more conventionally flattering, I suppose, although I personally think that 1 is just as much so.
rachylou replied 8 years ago
I love the sweater over the plaid. In terms of flattery - seems to me you cover that with 'long and lean.'
Vicki replied 8 years ago
Lovely AND flattering, Firecracker and since I've not been on here regularly I wanted to go back and see your New York City post that you mentioned today on Angie's blog article and I have to agree that I also love the predominant favorite #six from that thread.
As for this post, I really like your variety in silhouettes. #1 is amazing. The asymmetrical skirt is gorgeous and if you were selling your designs, I'd likely buy that one.
I also love the peplum top and the Loft skinnies which have a nice look to them. What an exciting trip you had in support of your friend.
kerlyn replied 8 years ago
You have such an artistic eye for putting outfits together. It's hard to choose a favorite! #1 has such a feminine, artsy feel to it. #3 is very flattering in a conventional sense. But I really admire all of them!
Sal replied 8 years ago
They are four great looks.
I like them in this order 1 3 4 2 and in terms of flattery I see 4 1 3 2!!
They all share layering, interesting shapes and textures, and dark moody colours. I love the shapes in 1 in particular, but I love the pattern/texture clash in 3.
A great week and an interesting experiment.
Style Fan replied 8 years ago
My favourite is #3. I love the look of a cropped sweater over lean jeans. And I agree with Suz that you have great legs. #3 shows them off. I also love the colours in #3.
My next favourite is #4. Again I am going with the long lean jean look.
#1 and #2 are both great looks on you.
Peri replied 8 years ago
I like them all, so even if I rank one of them last, it is only last among all good options!
My favorite is #1, because it looks so fun. Then #3 for the colors of the top and the cute cropped hoodie. Then #2 for the colors of the top. Then 4. So for personal favorites: 1, 3, 2, 4. And I think they are all very flattering on you because they make you look like you...creative, relaxed, edgy and fun.
For conventionally flattering, I do think 4 is more traditional. Maybe that's why it is #4 for me!
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 8 years ago
Peri, so funny--I thought the same thing about #4. It is more of a classic look to me, so my least favorite of these, even though I enjoyed wearing it. (I really like the plaid tee, for the quirkiness of such an animal.)
Krish and Suz, great to see you back!
Vicki, thanks for your comment about the New York outfits, too. I like your idea of continuing with a dress theme (which you mentioned on Angie's blog post today); I've been thinking about layering over dresses, too, for fall and winter.
Style Fan, I can see what you mean about look 3, now. At first I didn't recognize the conventional flattery aspects of it.
Sally, your favorite was a fun one to wear.
Thanks, kerlyn!
catgirl replied 8 years ago
My favorites for you are 1,2,4,3. If I didn't know you I'd go with 4,1,2,3 as the ones I like best. This is why it's so nice to know people here and what is killer for them, although I'm not sure either of my rankings make sense!
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 8 years ago
Well, I'm laughing, Una, because I don't know that it makes sense, either, but maybe I sorta get it. Ha ha!
cheryle (Dianthus) replied 8 years ago
My favorite is the first outfit but they are all very flattering. I wonder if it is less about being flattering and more about downplaying aspects of one's shape that are personal concerns. I don't know that I have ever seen anything on you that isn't flattering so suspect you could wear a bit paper bag and still look good - if it was in the right color of course. Ha
Jaime replied 8 years ago
Very interesting! I love the skirt outfit (#2), but don't know if it rates as flattering as the first one and the third one that really show off your great legs. I like the 4th one least because it doesn't have the same creative spark as the others - and I don't see why it rates as more flattering as the first or third. I think my conventional flattery meter needs some adjustment.
Beth Ann replied 8 years ago
1 would call #1 (my favorite) -- Byronic Apocalypse, or "What the Apocalypse Would Look Like if Styled by British Dandies." Love the layering and feminine, but moody, colors.
Brooklyn replied 8 years ago
What a great exercise! And bold of you to put it out there! I think they all look good but that no 3 is easily the most conventionally figure flattering. You look so long and lean in it. But I also think that it is the most conventional of the outfits shown and the least interesting. So I think no 1 is the most interesting/stylish, followed by 2, 4 and then 3. No 1 has such lovely colours, layers and texture. And a waistcoat! Love!!!!
Marley replied 8 years ago
#2 for the win! - followed by 4, 1, and 3. That skirt with the cropped top is so interesting - I love the simple arty-edginess of the outfit. #3 was my least favorite because I immediately saw 3 different horizontal lines (the sleeves on the sweater, the hem/bottom of the sweater, and the waistband of the pants) all on the top part of your body - and to me, it confused my eye and I was just not sure what to focus on!
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 8 years ago
Oh, cheryle, you're too funny (and sweet)! But believe me, there are things that aren't flattering on me.
Byronic Apocalypse! That's a good one, Beth Ann (and I'm glad you explained it, because I do get it)!
Brooklyn, thanks for your thoughts. So interesting that you see 3 as the most conventional, and glad to hear the reasons that 1 is your favorite!
And Marley, thanks--I am excited about how 2 came out, because I was beginning to doubt that I would figure out how to wear that skirt. (Sometimes I'm confounded by my own creations--ha!)
shevia--I think those flattery meters can be temperamental! :)
Maneera replied 8 years ago
All lovely looks. I'd say the order of great to good (for me) is 1,4,3,2
I LOVE #1! Such a fresh take on achieving flattering proportions, Sharan. I agree with others - you've got fab legs and the ponte pants really flatter you.
I absolutely love the cardi in #4 and the hoodie in #3. YLF!
Bonnie replied 8 years ago
#2 is my favorite but they're all great outfits.
Jenava replied 8 years ago
You look just amazing...that first outfit is perfection on you (what do you mean it isn't conventionally flattering??). Love that backpack as well.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 8 years ago
Jenava, thank you! I was thinking the flounces over the hips and the wide-opening boots might not be conventionally flattering. Now that you asked the question, I looked at Angie's guidelines for How to Dress the Hourglass Body Type, and right there in black and white, it says: "Peplum tops are great over slim-fitting bottoms." Here's to my continuing education at YLF!!
E replied 8 years ago
Your favourite is mine too! I would have thought #1 was the most figure flattering too, because it makes you look so tall (no broken lines w lighter coloured pieces), but I'm very far from an expert on that. :)
Cococat replied 8 years ago
They are all great outfits.
I agree that #1 is the most figure flattering (you have fantastic legs!) but my favourite outfit is #2 by a mile (how clever are you to make such fab pieces), then #3.
Karie replied 8 years ago
I think these are all flattering on you! I like #1 and #4 the best, but I would say #8 and #11 might be more conventionally flattering. I like to think that an outfit's rating on the trendy/funky/my overall happiness scale makes up for any less flattering issues!