WIW: post-apocalypse & the future is bright

I didn't go full post-apocalypse, with the red polka dot skirt, but I was inspired by Angie's ensemble with this outfit. The jacket and boots are new, bought at my favorite boutique. The ensemble gave me the idea of wearing them together.

The outfit (worn to work):

Black French terry raw-edged loop-front jacket (Veronique Miljkovitch); black and muted red bubble-print skirt with raw-edged mesh hem (made by me); black pointy-toe boots (Donald J. Pliner); mauve and black reversible raincoat (Mycra-Pac); black satchel (Elliott Luca, Olvera).

How did I do? Is there a post-apocalyptic vibe here to you?
Thanks for looking!

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  • JAileen replied 9 years ago

    Your skirt adorable! I didn't care for the post apocalyptic look at all. Your outfit doesn't strike me in the same way. Very nice!

  • rachylou replied 9 years ago

    Welcome to the apocalypse :)

  • Angie replied 9 years ago

    Pretty Post-Apocalyptic-Lite. Nice! 

  • Diana replied 9 years ago

    Very nice!  I think the coat totally makes the post-apocalyptic look. 

  • lyn67 replied 9 years ago

    Wow, love those boots to the skirt, and the column of black is very striking, so it gives all an edgy vibe! I'm with Diana,here- the coat is a great apocalyptic piece, if you wanted so...:-)

  • catgirl replied 9 years ago

    Definitely the right vibe - but with a more feminine touch that suits you!

  • Sal replied 9 years ago

    Great adaptation...I agree this blend with arts/darkness/ femininity works well for you.

    I like the way you were creative with the ensemble to make it your style.

  • CocoLion replied 9 years ago

    Gorgeous with the soft skirt and polished boots.

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago

    Thanks, everyone! I like Post-Apocalyptic-Lite, Angie. Like Boho-Lite. I think as an eclectic dresser, I'm not apt to do full-on any one style.

  • Brooklyn replied 9 years ago

    I like this outfit a lot but I don't think you are going to have much success fighting zombies in that skirt and those boots. YLF in any case.

  • Bonnie replied 9 years ago

    I see the Post Apocalyptic vibe and love that skirt and coat.

  • unfrumped replied 9 years ago

    Good grief- such a fun skirt! You havd the best ideas for fabrics and garments.

  • Karie replied 9 years ago

    Gorgeous! I love that skirt.

  • Style Fan replied 9 years ago

    Great skirt.  Love your rendition of PA. 

  • cheryle (Dianthus) replied 9 years ago

    Very creative take on an ensemble Firecracker.  It looks great and the skirt print is lovely and adds just the right feminine touch to the more somber mix.  

  • replied 9 years ago

    Exactly what Una said .  I LOVE that polka dot skirt . Love it.  And, the pointy toe boots are gorgeous, and bring up a thought I've been having. I have a very similar pair and have been looking at them trying to decide how/if/with what to wear them this year (I don't think I had them on last winter at all)   Have you been wearing them much this year?  What are your thoughts on them ?

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago

    Thanks, all! I'm glad the outfit works. I haven't worn the skirt for ages; it's nice to return to it.

    Lisa, I just got the boots this week. I wanted a boot that looked sleek. Before, my sleekest ones--the ones I wear only with dresses/skirts, because they don't fit over jeans--were a pair with rounded toes and wedge heels. These feel dressier--even though they are some kind of fabric rather than leather--and I love the pointy toe. I almost didn't wear them with this outfit. I thought they were too dressy to wear to work. But then I thought, I didn't buy them to "save" them, now did I??

  • Jaime replied 9 years ago

    Love the skirt - looks the most PO to me - I am imagining the atmosphere is so changed the stars turn red!

  • Colette replied 9 years ago

    I like it. Ditto what alaska girl said about hitting the right vibe with a feminine touch. I would not consider my style Post Apocalypic in the slightest but just as you, I was inspired by Angie's blog.

  • Deborah replied 9 years ago

    Making the look totally yours! This is fab:)

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