It occurred to me while dressing today that while I'm not a church-goer, I like the idea of wearing white jeans on Easter. Then I realized I had chosen to pair my white (actually cream) jeans with a kind of Easter-egg palette. Granted, the Easter eggs in this case might be rather moody looking (typical for me). This outfit features a few new items I bought to refresh my Spring style: cream jeans, light green cardi, and olive stone jewelry.
The outfit:
Cream skinny jeans (Mother, high rise Looker, in Whipping the Cream); green and pink tie-dye-look t-shirt (made by me); long linen blend cardigan (Halogen, in green frozen); stone and cream belt (Annette Goertz); olive stone jewelry (Designs by Sonia); gray croc-print moto booties (Donald J. Pliner, Dalis).
I thought about wearing lighter footwear, but it was rainy and icky out, so I went with the gray boots. Hoping they look cohesive enough as a bookend to my hair.
Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. :)
Thanks for looking! I welcome your thoughts and suggestions.