Neel replied 9 years ago
I love blue and green together. Nice interpretation of Angie's ensemble to suit your style. Thumbs up from me!
CocoLion replied 9 years ago
I need to check my screen because those trousers look brown to me. The green is indeed perfect for Spring as is the scarf which you have tied tres chic.
Ruth M replied 9 years ago
Oh, lovely, Firecracker - yes, you do look like a breath of Spring. I hope wearing these colours put a spring into your step :) I like the way you have left the bottom half of your cardi unbuttoned, "relaxing" the overall look and allowing the white of your tee to echo the white in your scarf. Love the beautiful shade of green of your trench - very flattering.
Like CocoLion, I see your trousers as dark brown, not navy. Perhaps this thread will develop along the lines of the blue/black or gold/white dress thing :)
So funny about forgetting the sleeve scrunching again!
Style Fan replied 9 years ago
Very Spring like. The cardigan is such a pretty colour of green. Your talents are amazing. Trousers would be very difficult to make. I use to sew a bit years ago.
Perhaps sleeve scrunching is something that happens in March.
Rubygirl replied 9 years ago
Thumbs up here
Elizabeth P replied 9 years ago
Nice interpretation Firecracker! I wouldn't have thought of switching out a colour, I just say "can't do that one" and move on. I move this mix of black ues and greens on you. Spring indeed.
replied 9 years ago
Lovely interpretation Sharan. I love the shade of your cardigan and the scarf is just lovely. Your MBM pants are fab. I've been making some pants for myself lately too. Isn't it tricky fitting yourself! PS we are nearly trench twins, mine is just a tint different in shade. :)
Peri replied 9 years ago
I don't like yellow, so I think this is way better! And I always love seeing your green trench. I'm in the market and yours is my inspiration piece.
Joy replied 9 years ago
Yes, it looks like early spring with early bulbs sending up those first green leaves. I have visions of blue crocus :)
replied 9 years ago
Love the pistachio color on you. As Joy said, it's reminiscent of tender green shoots, so even more springlike than lemon IMO. I'm not enchanted with the scarf and I can't say why ... maybe it's just that I want the focus to be on the greens of the sweater and trench and find the pattern distracting.
Angie replied 9 years ago
More thumbs up from me, Sharan. The pistachio green is fably fresh - and "your lemon". High fiving hubs, and YES - you look as fresh as a sprig of lime next to my fish taco.
Super look with the scarf.
Isn't our weather BEAUTIFUL today. Still cool, but stunning and sunny. I will take it.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago
Thanks, everyone!
Neel, I need to think of blue and green more often.
Denise and Ruth, it's funny the pants look brown. That's quite a difference from navy, huh? I could understand black or charcoal, but brown. . .
Style Fan, I'm chuckling at sleeve scrunching happening later in the season. I tried scrunching my sleeves today and then just pulled them down when I wasn't paying attention.
Elizabeth, usually I do the same thing, if I don't have a major color featured in the ensemble. But this time I felt the outfit did kind of preserve the main idea of lightening up.
Diane, I had help fitting these pants. I can't do it myself, can you? I just end up frustrated.
Peri, maybe you could try a spring green, too, instead of lemon.
Joy, I love the image!
gauche, thanks! I have thought about donating this sweater, as I hardly ever wear it. I bought it for the color, though, and sometimes I just want to wear it for that reason alone. Your observation about the scarf is funny, because I actually started the outfit with the scarf and pants (the scarf is the light blue of Angie's ensemble). I have trouble wearing the scarf, though; it's one of those pieces I find lovely to look at but I rarely get out of the house in it before switching to something else.
Angie, thanks for your kind words! Yes, today is glorious, though a little nippy. I'll take it, too!
replied 9 years ago
Sharan, I do all my pants fitting myself and it involves dressing and undressing many times, a hand held mirror to see my butt, and an awful lot of swearing!
Mellllls replied 9 years ago
looks great!
replied 9 years ago
BTW Sharan, I thought I would share this link with you. It's an old book published in1919 and covers jackets, waistcoats and trousers. It gives instructions about fit and I found the trouser section extremely useful. The language used is very old fashioned English and it took me a few reads to understand some of it, but fantastic nonetheless. You can read the book online (just click on it to open pdf) or even download as a file, which I did
Jaime replied 9 years ago
More love for that shade of green on you!
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago
Diane, thanks for the link!
Thanks, Mellllls and shevia!
rachylou replied 9 years ago
Wow! Flattering!
Staysfit replied 9 years ago
Wow! You look stunning in that sweater and scarf! Those colors look amazing on you and I love this particular combination!
Karie replied 9 years ago
A nice outfit to welcome spring! I really like the pastel sweater with the scarf, it signifies spring is just around the corner.
Angie replied 9 years ago
And it was cold last night when we were out. I am spoiled with our milder Winter temperatures this year.
AM replied 9 years ago
Ditto on Love the pistachio color on you. And the green of the trench. Very nice.