replied 9 years ago
Love the way you look with the knit cozy framing your face (#4-5) -- the colors, big stitches, V neck and overall drama really suit you. (And do you sell those mixed-print tees? I covet them.) To me the moto with the corduroys looks a bit manly -- not as interesting on you as the other, more unconventional shapes you create.
Jaime replied 9 years ago
Hmm, I like the jacket and trousers look - but I go for manly dressing. I would like to see the second outfit with a solid top I think. Regardless YLF.
replied 9 years ago
I do think this is much better and the jacket/scarf combination is beautiful.
Suz replied 9 years ago
I actually love the moto and trousers look! It feels hip and fun! I think your wavy hair takes away any manly vibe. But I have a high tolerance for masculine looks.
I also wonder if the pants drape a bit better somehow than the other pair.
Joy replied 9 years ago
I usually think I'd chinos as a masculine or unisex look on anyone, especially if part of a uniform with a polo shirt or V neck pullover, but your soft hair and tee and knit cozy add a feminine touch. This pair of chinos does seem to look better than the blue pair, but I can't explain why.
crutcher replied 9 years ago
Oh, you look so cute...Your changing looks just adds to your style..I love the chinos and leather on you...Your lovely hair keeps it from looking harsh...I like the shirt and scarf as well...You done good, my dear....
trekkiegirl replied 9 years ago
I'm not a fan of the boyfriend trend for pants, it just feels too rumpled for me. (style epiphany - maybe I aspire to polished??)
Back to you: I will say of all these looks I like #1 best. And the paisley back panel of that shirt in #4/5 is soooo cool!
Deb replied 9 years ago
I love the boyfriends with the moto Firecracker....a mod and winning combination. I wonder how the moto would look with something lighter and plainer underneath...just a thought for you.
Sara L. replied 9 years ago
I love the pants with the moto. I really like the soft earthy colors of this outfit.
texstyle replied 9 years ago
I think this is in the right direction, it doesn't look too manly - and I love the moto. What I'm not sure about is the belt (I have the same or very similar belt). I understand the bookending with the shoes, but for some reason the shiny belt here seems to stand out more than I feel like it should. I think I'd try it with a few other belts just to see.
Do you ever wear BF's with an untucked top (still wearing a belt hidden under?)
unfrumped replied 9 years ago
Hmm, some of these combo's are challenging with proportions. I am a big fan of slim BF's/straighter chinos as I , too, find them very comfortable, way more that fitted jeans (not even talkin' skinnies, for me).
For me, I find I have to mitigate my oxfords with more feminine elements which is usually more of a blouse or a fluid knit with a less tailored neckline, and the topper may need to look more ladylike somehow instead of more tough. For the pants, I find it harder to do the laceup oxfords unless the pants are narrower at the ankle or rolled just a bit, but I'll wear them scrunched over loafers. What about a small roll just for slice of foot and not the true ankle length?
I like the moto but somehow it's not ringing my bell with the overall outfit. I may be channeling my style over yours, though.
AM replied 9 years ago
I must admit, I'm having a hard time getting into boyfriend pants. For some reason, boyfriend jeans are more appealing -- but please know, this boyfriend thing is new to me. I haven't looked at many and I don't own any yet (but again, I'd do jeans first).
I think the moto jacket with these look relaxed and modern. I'd also try your blue pair of boyfriends with this jacket. I think the blue/black combo might up the hip quotient in that other outfit. For this outfit, I think the moto anchors all the elements. So I prefer this look with the jacket on.
I want to see different looks with the boyfriend pants to figure out which one is the ideal. And I agree with text style -- "Do you ever wear BF's with an untucked top (still wearing a belt hidden under?)".
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago
Thanks, all!
DEB, lighter and plainer underneath would probably look good--I would try that.
tr3kkiegrl, you are right, boyfriend chinos (or cords, in this case) are a rumpled kind of look, and I do see your style as more polished. I am not entirely polished--I like a little bit of soft, relaxed, or RATE in an outfit.
texstyle, I had the same thought about the belt. I tried on a sage green/gray one I just got, but then switched to the pewter. To you and AM: the few times I've tried wearing tops untucked with boyfriends, I've immediately switched to at least a semi-tuck. Something about it just hasn't worked on me, to my eye.
unfrumped, interesting thoughts, as always! As it happens, I'm wearing my loafers today, with a tapered pair of chinos. I tried them with oxfords and didn't like the look as well as the loafers. I'll have to experiment more with rolling the pant-legs on my wider boyfriends. I did roll these cords a little bit, but not enough to show any ankle. I agree with you that I would prefer a little more ladylike element somewhere in the outfit, though I felt okay in this one.
AM, yes, I'd wear the blue chinos with this moto jacket. The moto is actually a muted olive rather than black, but still, it would go nicely with the blue. I agree, I liked the outfit better with the moto on, though I ended up taking it off indoors.