UmmLila (Lisa) replied 9 years ago
The color of that leather jacket is just perfect for you. And I love the tie dye tunic you made as well ... Also an All Saints vibe.
westsidesue replied 9 years ago
I love the tie dye tunic too! Did you dye the fabric, or get it already dyed? I've noticed you, and some others, sew a number of your clothes. I always wish you would tell what pattern you used, or if you made it up yourself. I really admire what you can do!
I very much like your color palette. Nice use of contrast in the subdued color range, which I love. Like life, growing and waning. Fabulous!
Thanks, too, for the details on the shoes. My usually fussy feet have gotten even worse in the last year, with swelling added. So now I need fat day shoes, as well as pants. Who would have thought. A lot are just out the window, so I am on the trail of shoes and boots that I can comfortably wear, and it didn't occur to me to add an insert. I will be following your finds, for sure.
Ruth M replied 9 years ago
Wow, what a great jacket in 7-10. I love the colour, and it looks amazing over your tunic - the tunic actually reads more of a darkish wine colour on my screen than what I think of as fuchsia, but whatever the name of the colour, it looks wonderful with the olive jacket!
shipskitty replied 9 years ago
I loved all of these looks but the cardi over the dyed tunic was my favorite. Gorgeous leather jacket.
kellygirl replied 9 years ago
Ooh, you wear skinnies with the best of them! Love the tie-dye tunic and the leather jacket. All of your outfits are so cohesive and interesting, Firecracker. Fab x 3!
ETA: Sorry to hear about the PF. Hope is clears up soon.
trekkiegirl replied 9 years ago
I feel your pain! Well, not really, mine is a few feet higher up. Pun intended!!
Laurie replied 9 years ago
More super outfits. 7-10 is so well put together.
PM me if you want to discuss separation anxiety after 30+ years of running:)
Sarah A replied 9 years ago
Oh! I love the long cardigan with the dyed tunic. And the oxfords are great, I missed the end of the oxford search but looks like you came out great there :) The new leather jacket adds just the right amount of edge without being too hard IMO too. Looking great!
Angie replied 9 years ago
More love from me. I especially like #4 and #8. Those taller shaft booties are amazing worn over skinnies. xo
Kristin L replied 9 years ago
I love the long cardigan and dyed tunic outfit as well! You wear tunics and skinny pants/leggings so well.
I hope your foot gets felling better soon. PF is no fun.
Suz replied 9 years ago
You wear the silhouette better than any other, and I agree with Angie's comment re the boots. Fab outfits, one and all!
So sorry about your foot and I hope it heals soon. It is no fun being barred from exercise.
Jaime replied 9 years ago
Your flat shoes are excellent, so you are well equipped for this challenge. Love the fuschia/wine colors on you and the new jacket!
Elizabeth P replied 9 years ago
A great week Firecracker, you have picked a default that really works for you. Which I guess is the plan! :). I adore the tones in your last outfit on you. That jacket is gorgeous.
Sorry about the foot. No fun.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago
Thanks for all your kind thoughts, sympathies, and well wishes for recovery. I'm hoping it will go away, since it did go away once before.
To answer westsidesue: the tunic fabric came with the tie-dye look already. I used the Basic Top pattern from Textile Studio Patterns, lengthened it and added a second, angled layer to the front. Fabric was from marcytilton.com.
Ruth, I agree the tunic color doesn't really look fuchsia in real life either. But it's more toward fuchsia than wine. The scarf actually looks good with both colors, though, fortunately; I have a lot more winy reds in my wardrobe.
carter replied 9 years ago
The leather jacket is killer! Crazy good.
My husband has PF as well. He uses the Superfeet inserts you show in his slimmest dress shoes, but he's found something he much prefers for his sneakers and clunkier loafers. The podiatrist gave him the first pair, but we've since bought multiples from Amazon. He feels like they've made more of a difference than anything else. Maybe they can keep you running a bit longer?
rachylou replied 9 years ago
Wow, Firecracker! No looking back for you. I love that top in 4 and the coat in 6.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago
Thanks for the tip, Carter. I have been wearing the Superfeet full inserts in my running shoes--started with the blue and then got the green--but I may need to try the Powerstep brand. I'll see if my doctor has a preference, too.
Karie replied 9 years ago
Long top over skinny pants is definitely a great look for you, no wonder it's a fallback! Your shoe collection is also amazing. I know you said the Naot's are gray, but they look like they have a green tone to them, at least on my computer screen. Do they IRL?
Thistle replied 9 years ago
If it works, and boy does it! I am in love with the leather jacket. Such a rich and unexpected color.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago
Karie, the shoes are a shimmery suede, more gray, I would say almost a true gray--not blue, not taupe, and not greenish (as they appear in the Finds photo).
Elizabeth P replied 9 years ago
I meant to come back to this with a PF tip.
I once ran with someone who'd had it for months, and could NOT get on top of it. The problem with PF is that healing happens over night, when the foot isn't being used, and they when you get up in the morning (or the middle of the night) you often re-injure it with your first steps. What she did, and it went away in a matter of weeks, was to actually wear her sneakers to bed. That way, when she got up in the morning and took those first steps on "cold" feet, the feet were properly supported. YOu could also have them sitting right by the bed, just remember to put them on right away.
Might be worth trying... can't hurt!
jackiec replied 9 years ago
I love your fallbacks! Love love love #4, then I saw the wine top in, I think, 8, and it's gorgeous on you! Nice save on the leather jacket. What a treat in January!
westsidesue replied 9 years ago
Thanks for the links! Should have known you would get the fabric from Marcy Tilton, It is a very Marcy fabric, looks great on you. Soooo sorry about your poor feet. Have you ever looked into Egoscue exercises? They are my salvation for almost anything that hurts in my body. The book Pain Free by Peter Egoscue has detailed sections on pain for almost any place in the body. They focus on proper alignment and on getting movement going through the body properly. I haven't yet seen a condition that it wouldn't be helpful for. There are also lots of videos showing the exercises on Youtube.
This article in Peak Running Performance is specifically on Plantar Fascitis.
Ingunn replied 9 years ago
You have a very distinct and personal style, and the mix of your own pieces, bought ones and the very flattering colors is perfect for you. The long over skinny silhouette suits you to a tee. I also love how you use texture and pattern to your advantage. You have great style. The new leather jacket is gorgeous - high five for un-black motos!
I'm sorry to hear about your foot issues. Don't retire your trainers yet, I have a hunch they will get back on your tracks again. Fingers crossed!
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago
Thanks, Ingunn!
westsidesue, thanks for the suggestion--I had not heard of Peter Egoscue, and will look up the book.
Joy replied 9 years ago
Beautiful moody colors and interesting outfits. My favorite is the last outfit with that gorgeous leather jacket.