WIW: more brown & black

Again wearing brown and black, what Angie termed "dark moody neutrals."
There was a chance I wouldn't get back home to change before my Pilates class today, so I built an outfit starting with the skirted leggings, to which I needed to add a t-shirt, and preferably one that would go with a warm cardigan to keep me comfortable today.

The outfit (worn for taking a piano lesson and teaching sewing): black skirted leggings (Eileen Fisher); brown, black, gray, and taupe plaid print tee with mesh-knit ruffle up the front (made by me); heather brown-black long draped cardigan (Bryn Walker); espresso moto boots (Miu Miu). I wore my long black coat over the outfit and alternated carrying my black satchel, for driving & my black and brown snakeskin print cross-body bag, for walking (not pictured).

The outfit worked beautifully for my day. I did get to change to my yoga pants before Pilates after all. But if I hadn't, I could have gone like this.

Thanks for looking! I welcome your comments and suggestions.

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  • Helena replied 9 years ago

    I love these skirted leggings ... so cute ... looks great as always, Firecracker!

  • Angie replied 9 years ago

    Killer. You are inspiring the ensemble post for Friday. xo

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago

    Thanks, Torontogirl!
    Okay, Angie, now I really can't wait to see it.

  • Jaime replied 9 years ago

    Love the long dramatic cardigan - great update on the waterfall cardigan to my eye.

  • Elizabeth P replied 9 years ago

    Great outfit! Those leggings were made for you. Also very curious what Friday will bring!

  • Joy replied 9 years ago

    Those skirted leggings are turning into workhorses for you and they should be. They look great and fit your style and life. I have a black skirt attached to bike shorts and wonder how it would work over leggings, although it is longer and so the proportions may be difficult. Love the brown with black combination.

  • Karie replied 9 years ago

    I love those skirted leggings every time I see them. They look great with the tee and cardi. 

  • Sara L. replied 9 years ago

    I'm so intrigued by the skirted leggings every time you wear them.  I really like them with the patterned top and large cardigan.  I'm worried that if I try them, they'll look too young.  I'm not sure why though as all your outfits are great.

  • Transcona Shannon replied 9 years ago

    I adore brown and black together and you carry it off so beautifully Sharan. Those EF skirted leggings are going to be a major workhorse I predict. And I love the long angular cardigan mixed with the slim fit of the leggings. Comfy and stylish!

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 9 years ago

    Thanks, everyone!
    Joy, a longer skirt could be fine, especially if you're a little bit long-legged anyway (are you? it's my impression).
    Sara, I'm laughing a little about your fear that the skirted leggings might come off as too young. Let's just say I'm no spring chicken--ha ha! But I do understand, I think. I don't think of them as being particularly sophisticated in their own right, so I try to wear them with something that is arty or edgy to counteract the kind of sporty vibe.

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