WIW: cutoffs & a favorite apron

Today I finished the task I procrastinated on yesterday: cleaning out my sewing room to prepare for the delivery of new sewing furniture tomorrow. I worked hard, my husband and I cleared out the old furniture, and I still had time to visit the mall to return the gorgeous Stuart Weitzman oxfords that didn't fit at home the way they did in the store (shown below in Finds). (Which I never quite understand, but it happens!)

Then we got a call during dinner to notify me that my sewing furniture will not be delivered tomorrow, due to a driver's family emergency. (I gotta wonder why a delivery company doesn't have backup drivers!) So, since I'll be out of town next week, I won't get it till two weeks from now. At least I'm prepared.

Oh, and I cooked dinner. In the interest of "keeping it real," I thought you might like to see my favorite apron. Okay, it's also my only apron. But with an apron like this, who needs another one?

The outfit (worn for a day off):
1-2: DIY cutoffs (Lucky); mauve floral print cap-sleeved tee (made by me); tan belt (Trafalgar); denim ballet flats with tan belt detail (AGL); beige cotton jacket (Caslon); navy and tan satchel (Dooney & Bourke). I wore the jacket to the mall, since I knew it would be cool inside.

3-4: the at-home version, to cook dinner. Indoor shoes are old pink double-strap sandals (Mephisto, Mobils); dog-print apron (made by me). The apron makes me happy. I just love it. It doesn't have to match a thread of what I'm wearing under it.

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  • dashielle (Ann) replied 10 years ago

    Cute as usual Sharan, and guess what? We're AGL ballet flat twins (though mine are pewter)! That apron reminds me of my dear old MeMe, who used to wear a ruffled apron with her Bermuda shorts, sleeveless collared shirt and red Keds in the kitchen, oh so many years ago. Are those new specs?

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 10 years ago

    Hey, Ann, I have pewter AGL flats, too! I like your apron reminiscence. Mine is from a pattern in a book, appropriately titled Retro Aprons. Good eye, on the specs! These are my purple ones that don't get as much wear as my other pairs.

  • Joy replied 10 years ago

    Your at home outfit looks like my "uniform" for home. Today the shorts were white. My new favorite apron was made by a friend from a new dish towel. The quilt part is big pockets.
    You look great.

  • CocoLion replied 10 years ago

    Cute casual outfit.  I want to see your gorgeous legs in shorter shorts ok?  You can pull it off!  The apron is both adorable and beautifully.  And fits you perfectly!

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 10 years ago

    Oh man, Denise. You are good at giving me a challenge. Just when I thought I'd found my sweet spot in shorts. I used to have serious poison eye for longer shorts on me, though. I liked them about 3 or so inches above the knee, especially with flat footwear.

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 10 years ago

    Aw, Joy, I love your apron! It's really neat that your friend made it for you, too.

  • AJ replied 10 years ago

    Such a pretty top! I always like your creations.

    The apron is super cute. Do you have doggies?

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 10 years ago

    Thanks, AJ! I don't have doggies now; I had a Yorkie, and growing up, I had a wire-haired fox terrier. I'm partial to little yappy dogs.

  • Alana in Canada replied 10 years ago

    What a gorgeous top. Wait--you wore this to move furniture? Wow. Nice. Sorry your new stuff won't arrive for another two weeks. 
    Love your apron. What a fabulous shape.

  • Jaime replied 10 years ago

    Oh I love your apron too! and your pink indoor shoes, and your cut-off shorts, and your MBM top...

  • Karie replied 10 years ago

    Your self made apron is so dang cute! And although I haven't seen it (please post pics when it all arrives!) I am so envious of your sewing furniture. Until recently I was doing my cutting on the dining room table, but it was hurting my back so I purchased an adjustable height table  - not sewing room furniture per say, but a good start and it saves me from a backache :)

  • Meredith replied 10 years ago

    Sorry to hear you have to wait so much longer for your furniture! How disappointing for you. You sure looking amazing in your cleaning outfit though, and of couse I live your doggie apron. It has dachshunds :)

  • texstyle replied 10 years ago

    I agree with Cocolion - you look great, are in great shape and can def. pull off shorter shorts. Love the apron! Mine is basic black restaurant gear. I should upgrade.

  • viva replied 10 years ago

    I love your apron! So adorable. Makes me wish I could sew.

  • TraceyLiz65 replied 10 years ago

    Great outfit and the apron is wonderful... I have a pattern to make aprons one day when my life slow down....   I love them...

  • Angie replied 10 years ago

    Adorable apron. I wear one each day when I cook - but it's not as pretty as yours. 

    Love your cut-offs outfit, Ms. Fab Legs. xo

  • Firecracker (Sharan) replied 10 years ago

    Alana, thanks! I'm laughing at your comment--yes I did wear this outfit to move furniture. Kinda funny when you put it like that, huh?

    Karie, thank you. I'm excited about the furniture. Like you, I use the dining room table for cutting, and it's not good for the back. Your new table sounds good! My sewing cabinet will be cutting height--I'll have a tall chair to use with it. I'll post photos when it comes, maybe in off-topic.

    Meredith, yes! You are a dachsund fan, huh? They are so cute.

    Thanks for the apron love, everyone! Angie, I remember yours, now that you show it here. It suits you so well--modern classic, crisp stripes!

  • unfrumped replied 10 years ago

    Fun look and IRL events!
    I tried those oxfords, too and they were a lovely leather but too tapered for my feet.

  • rachylou replied 10 years ago

    That is such a great top but, of course, it was the apron that drew me. It has a really nice shape.

  • Aida replied 10 years ago

    Well as far as long shorts go, this is definitely your sweet spot! I think these look ridiculously good on you. Of course shorter could be an option if you're comfortable with it too :) I keep trying and trying to find long shorts that will fit me like this, but they don't seem to exist so I'm starting to think perhaps that just isn't a flattering short for me. But sooo perfect for our normal summer weather, right?? *sigh* Love the apron! I cook daily but don't use one although I probably should ...

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