Elizabeth P replied 7 years ago
Oh wow, dare I say these clothes were made for you? Fantastic! And so well mix and matched.
I missed the post about your job, must go investigate! Glad you're enjoying it, that's so important.
El Cee replied 7 years ago
Oh my... you look GORGEOUS in these clothes! ElizabethP is right... they were made for you. I love the outfits you have created with these pieces. They make for a really lovely minimalist capsule work wardrobe.
Murph11 replied 7 years ago
Awesome! These are all great looks. I go past that store weekly, and now I'll have to stop in!
JAileen replied 7 years ago
Wow! I can see why they hired you - you make their clothes look great! I especially like the grey sweater. The various directions of the knit is very interesting.
pil replied 7 years ago
Great pieces! Looking that good you'll be quite the sales motivator.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
Thanks everyone!
Elizabeth and El Cee, I'm flattered!
Murph11, it would be great to see you; keep an eye out for me and pop in if you have time!
JAileen and pil, thank you! JAileen, I was drawn to that multi-directional pattern in the knit, too. And Pil, someone did buy the harem pants on a day I was wearing them. :)
Suz replied 7 years ago
Sharan, amazing! You're their best model. No wonder they hired you. My favourites here are 1-2, 3, and 13. Fabulous on you!
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
Thanks, Suz!
UmmLila (Lisa) replied 7 years ago
These are such interesting pieces, and very different than what's on offer elsewhere. Yet they also seem well in keeping with your own aesthetic. How does that tunic vest look over nothing (or a flat item)?
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
UmmLila, the vest looks good over the crew-neck tee I bought. The armholes are too deep to wear it over nothing, though I think in the summer I could wear it over a tank. Probably not to work, because my arms would freeze in the air conditioning. Hmmm, I wonder if I could layer it under the Raissa blouse-jacket--it's worth a try.
Angie replied 7 years ago
That's got to be the most avant-garde work uniform of all time! JUST up your style alley. #7 and #10 are my faves. I'm sooo glad you're enjoying your new job, Sharan.
Roxanna replied 7 years ago
In my fantasy life I am wearing clothes just like this and looking just like you do :) seriously, this is far from my current style but one I love, and it looks absolutely smashing on you. I love the paired down could capsule and the silhouettes here. I am favouriting this post for inspiration!
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
Thanks, Angie! I think of 10 as harem pants go to school. The oxfords, short pants, blouse, and vest feel very school-girl to me, and I like it.
Roxanna, how sweet of you! I think this is a look I have often aspired to as well. It's not how I dress every day--I have a lot of boho touches in my style, and I wear a lot of prints--but it's kind of a fantasy life look for me, too.
Momo replied 7 years ago
What cool clothes. You look fantastic in them.
Brooklyn replied 7 years ago
I echo what Ummlila said. You look so elegant. These pieces were made for you. Congatulations on the job.
Joy replied 7 years ago
You make a wonderful model for this brand. I like 1-6 best and especially the addition of the large earrings and silver cuff. Your footwear is perfect, especially the burgundy oxfords.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
Thanks, Momo, Brooklyn, and Joy!
anne replied 7 years ago
You look great Sharan and were made for this job!
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
Thank you, Anne!
Jaime replied 7 years ago
I missed the news about your new job but this is so fantastic. I love the few Oska pieces I have seen in person. Anyway, your capsule is brilliant - I can't imagine a better walking advertisement for the brand. #1,#7 and #11 are my favorites but it is hard to pick! Good luck!
dashielle (Ann) replied 7 years ago
Wow Sharan! Seriously, you look awesome in these pieces. I missed your post about a new job, but it looks like you are just 2 blocks from me...I had no idea there was a cool store like this so close to work (now I'm really in trouble). I'll swing by and visit if you text me your hours.
Deborah replied 7 years ago
Congrats on the job! You rock these outfits and I want to shop with you!!! Is there an online presence?
Would it be ok if I pinned these to one of my Pinterest boards? I understand if you prefer not x
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
Thank you, Jaime. I imagine you would like a lot of Oska styles. :)
Ann, thanks! I'll let you know when I'm working, too. My schedule is not that regular, but I have my hours for this month.
Deborah, I'm flattered. Of course you may Pin me! He heee.
Cococat replied 7 years ago
What a great choice of 6 pieces and I love the way you have put them together. What a great advertisement you will be!
Sally replied 7 years ago
Wow I love those clothes. That's the kind of shop I would love. Lucky I don't live in US. You really suit the look and I'm sure you're fabulous at the job.
Style Fan replied 7 years ago
Amazing looks Sharan. You are a great model for these clothes. I love these styles. So avant guarde and edgy looking. Lots of room for creativity.
Staysfit replied 7 years ago
How strange! What happened to the comment I left where I told you how great all these pieces looked? I'm completely baffled? Did someone report my post? Was it because I liked how these pieces could offset your awesome shoe collection but they are supposed to be for your new job so it's off topic? Is it because I love the grey vest so much I'm trying to make it float through space into my closet (unsuccessfully). I am clueless, but I really did post these things earlier. You chose these pieces well. I hope you enjoy your new job. The perks look great! ( I said that before too. Is that it? Is there something wrong with that comment that I don't know about?!). :-)
Sara L. replied 7 years ago
Wow, these are great! I especially like the grey sweater. You're a great advertisement for your company.
Bonnie replied 7 years ago
You look fantastic in the company clothes and you were able to make so many great outfit from only six items. This makes me want to shop there.
replied 7 years ago
Supermodel fabness! What a fantastic job perk!
texstyle replied 7 years ago
The clothes really suit you so well Firecracker! I love that you were able to create so many different outfits with those pieces and it sounds like with the extra ones you added you will be able to do so much more. I'm glad you are enjoying the new job too - can't beat that, fashion you love in a job you love!
RobinF replied 7 years ago
What a fabulous work wardrobe! I especially love the harem pants and grey vest.
rachylou replied 7 years ago
You look so fancy!
replied 7 years ago
What a great collection of looks! You look arty and edgy and very you. I'm glad you like your new job.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
My goodness! What a nice bunch of activity to return to this evening. You are all so kind--thank you.
Staysfit, thank you for your perseverance in commenting. I'm thinking maybe the dog ate your original post? (Like the proverbial "dog ate my homework" excuse, right?) Or it's hanging out with all those odd socks that don't emerge from the dryer.
jenanded replied 7 years ago
Love! These are fab on you
Lyn D. replied 7 years ago
This company is worth joining just for the Fab pieces.
I hope you enjoy the job and keep posting your work-outfits.
replied 7 years ago
I came late to the party, but I am so jealous. WOW. It is like they were custom made for you.
Beth Ann replied 7 years ago
These outfits really suit you, Sharan. More minimal than your typical look, perhaps, but I can see that exploring this part of your persona is freeing and fun, and you look terrific.
I love the gray sweater!
Mary Beth (formerly LBD) replied 7 years ago
I love your entire look, your vibe! Kind of samurai, somehow. Or vaguely reminiscent of Star Wars episodes 1-3 (I'm seriously geeking out here). You're the woman that everyone notices when you walk in the room!
These clothes look like they were custom tailored for you. I love all of the outfits.
I hadn't ever noticed this before, but you remind me of the actor, Christine Baranski. You have a similarly piercing gaze :)
donnat replied 7 years ago
This line was made for you. I love it, I am so jealous, but it just wouldn't be the same on my chubby little body.
Maneera replied 7 years ago
Wow Sharan...seems like this job (and the uniform) were made just for YOU! This capsule is right up your style alley....you look awesome!
lady replied 7 years ago
Wow. I don't have anything new to add that hasn't been said. You look incredible. I know nothing of this brand but am gonna to head off to take a look as soon as I submit this comment.
Btw: your hair looks gorgeous. I remember your thread a little bit ago abt your style and the subsequent updated look. It's really awesome on you.
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
Beth Ann, yes, it's definitely more minimal than my usual. Usually (outside of work, now), you'll find me in a print t-shirt. I've often admired more minimal looks, so you're right--it's fun to explore.
La Belle, I had to Google Christine Baranski, and I definitely see the resemblance--in the eyes, as you noted, but also in the short-nose-long-face proportions, something I don't see that often.
DonnaT, thank you for the compliment! I beg to differ with you, though--I think these styles flatter a lot of different body types. :)
Thank you, Maneera!
Lady, thanks for your compliment on my hair, too. I'm enjoying it again now, too. I think I got past another awkward phase in the grow-out. It's so tempting to chop it off during those moments.
Ornella replied 7 years ago
Wow, congrats on the job (I missed so many things here)! Fabulous capsule, you look great in all pieces and may I also add that your hair is amazing at this length. I also find the colour and those curls go particularly well with the pieces you have in this capsule, balancing the architectural look and strong, clear lines of the dark clothing.
And another wow for - Oska. I have one dress form them that makes me feel so special when I wear it. Spectacular construction - minimal but so interesting and it totally rewired my brain with regards to HOW I want to feel in my clothes.
JenniferAnne replied 7 years ago
These clothes look so great on you, and I love the way you've combined them! Number 1 is my favorite, but I love them all. What fun!
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
Ornella, thank you for your thoughtful comments! You probably have an OSKA store nearby, as there are quite a few of them in their home country. I know what you mean about the feel of these clothes. I've written on the forum about how important the feel of my clothing is to me, how comfort is so key to making an outfit work for me. It's a combination of fit, fabrication, construction, and style, and it's not easy to achieve.
JenniferAnne, thank you for chiming in!
Aida replied 7 years ago
OK! Now I am curious: How did you select these particular pieces among the options available? You've done an excellent job with the styling (I am especially fond of all the chunky silver jewelry you've got going on). The pinstripe pants are delicious! And all of these look like they'd blend with your usual wardrobe as well -- so if you needed a little extra zing I'm sure you'd be able to wear a piece of your own along with these to work and still be perfectly styled. LOVE the idea of getting to play with the minimalist capsule for work, but not having to extend that to the full wardrobe. Whew! I can't at all picture you with a minimal wardrobe :D
Firecracker (Sharan) replied 7 years ago
Aida, it wasn't easy choosing the 6 pieces, as there were many that I loved. I used the capsule principle, insisting (in my mind) that every top worked with every bottom. And I would say I pretty much built the capsule from the pants. I came up with the chalk-stripe pants, the light gray blouse, and the marled gray vest outfit. And I loved the cozy washed-wool harem pants. Then I really, really wanted the navy wide-legs, so even though they seemed harder to mix into a capsule with the other pants, I persevered. Initially I thought I would end up with a light-teal-blue and brown wardrobe, but that's not the direction my pants choices led me! You're right--these pieces do mix really well with a lot of my wardrobe, but I'll stick with the company clothes for work (I'm pretty sure that's the expectation, and it certainly keeps things easy).
Aida replied 7 years ago
*nodnod* Makes sense. I like the addition of the navy for a little depth. Black, gray, white and navy is a fabulously serene neutral palette that can easily go low or high contrast. Since you're sticking with this capsule for work I'd say it was very smart to insist that each top work with each bottom! Maximize the outfit options among very streamlined options.